I recently have seen that Motivational speakers have mushroomed all over. They deal with different subjects. Some give you the secret of success, some teach you how to be happy and many other stuff. I recently attended sessions from two "well known" speakers about whom I never knew.
One was Positive RishiKumar who works with Yuva- I am UNSTOPPABLE and other was WAKE UP TO DREAM. In past year or so, I have read several motivating books from well know authors. Some of them worked for me, while few were simply trash.
One thing I observed about these motivational speakers is the way that wash your brains. They literally try to program you just like some software engineering writing the code for how a robot would work. In one of the session, I was introduced to the concept of life tree. According to them, life tree will be a representation of how I want my life to grow. Good idea! I was impressed.
Later, they said that we are not supposed to get distracted by any external entity. This is where I lose all the faith in motivational speaker. We are human beings. We are full of life. We have emotions. We can get frustrated, we can be happy. We can feel anything. And all exteral factors should affect us. Why should we stop feeling the joy or sorrow? They are the integral part of our life. In fact that is what we call living life.
Success is necessary but is it all one wants? Think about it.
Let me ask you something. What do you want in life? Just write your answer on the piece of paper. Now read ahead.
Success is something that you will never have. Success is the process and not a state. Today, founders of biggest companies like Reliance or Google still work hard to grow. Why? Don't they have enough money? They probably own the finest car, luxurious villas and what all not! They also have many problems that they basically can't enjoy this luxuries.
Remember your ultimate aim is to be happy. Robotic life will never make you happy.
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